Tag: sociology

  • Effective Programs to Help at-Risk Teenagers Stay in School

    [One of 50 articles written and published for Demand Media in 2013. Published version here.] Keeping at-risk teens in school entails a variety of strategies. It begins by identifying who is mostly likely to drop out and the influences that compel them to do so; these can include bullying, homelessness, financial insecurity, poor nutrition, substance… Read more

  • Evangelism in the Early Seventeenth & Eighteenth Centuries

    [One of 50 articles written and published for Demand Media in 2013] The roots of American evangelism go back to 16th century Europe, when Anabaptists began suggesting that church should be separate from the state. This view did not find favor among governments closely aligned with the Catholic church, and consequently Anabaptism was brutally suppressed.… Read more

  • Top Advocates for Teens

    [One of 50 articles written and published for Demand Media in 2013] Teen advocacy comes in a variety of forms and purposes, covering issues like juvenile justice, education, civil rights and assistance for at-risk youth in America and around the world. Some organizations are student-led and others, in areas such as juvenile justice, are managed… Read more

  • System for Tracking Kid’s Good and Bad Behavior

    [One of 50 articles written and published for Demand Media in 2013. Published version here.] There are a variety of ways to track behavior, and tracking systems for children are generally intended to aid in behavioral management. This can be for home, school, or long family road trips. Behavior is measured and recorded for the… Read more

  • Moral Reading for Teens

    [One of 50 articles written and published for Demand Media in 2013] Morality is fundamentally about the choices we make and the behavior that follows. Stories can expose different moral dimensions, circumstances that present contrasts, and give teen readers perspective on their lives and their choices. Given all the media and entertainment options available, books… Read more

  • Chinese Religion & Ethics in the 17th Century

    [One of 50 articles written and published for Demand Media in 2013. Published version here.] The Chinese word for religion didn’t enter the language until late in the 19th century, when scholars needed a term to translate the concept from Western texts. The conception of religion as the West understands it today simply did not… Read more

  • Who Advocated Religious Individualism?

    [One of 50 articles written and published for Demand Media in 2013] The modern understanding of religious individualism, as defined by the Catholic Encyclopedia, “describes the attitude of those persons who refuse to subscribe to definite creeds, or to submit to any external religious authority.” It is conceptually similar to “cafeteria Christians,” a phrase used… Read more

  • Cultural Influence on Morals

    [One of 50 articles written and published for Demand Media in 2013. Published version here.] Culture influences morals. But it is not the only influence, nor necessarily the strongest one. Thinking about how culture influences morals raises several questions. What are morals? What is culture? What are their sources and what causes them to change?… Read more

  • Globalization & Religious Violence

    [One of 50 articles written and published for Demand Media in 2013] Even as the world population has grown, globalization has made our planet shrink. Travel options have expanded, more people are living in cities, and the products we use daily are increasingly made and distributed by multinational corporations. Mass production and its economic advantages… Read more

  • The Advantages of Early Intervention for Deaf Children

    [One of 50 articles written and published for Demand Media in 2013] The importance of early intervention for deaf children is universally accepted, but controversy persists over which forms of intervention are best for the child. The deaf community strongly emphasizes a linguistic approach, giving priority to early exposure to language. The medical model emphasizes… Read more