Category: Uncategorized

  • Virtual World Games for Teens

    [One of 50 articles written and published for Demand Media in 2013] Virtual worlds, like the real world, are set in a variety of environments. A variety of behavior is also possible in both realms — you can fight or socialize, plot strategy or play sports, dance or build a home. Virtual worlds encompass many… Read more

  • Chinese Religion & Ethics in the 17th Century

    [One of 50 articles written and published for Demand Media in 2013. Published version here.] The Chinese word for religion didn’t enter the language until late in the 19th century, when scholars needed a term to translate the concept from Western texts. The conception of religion as the West understands it today simply did not… Read more

  • Who Advocated Religious Individualism?

    [One of 50 articles written and published for Demand Media in 2013] The modern understanding of religious individualism, as defined by the Catholic Encyclopedia, “describes the attitude of those persons who refuse to subscribe to definite creeds, or to submit to any external religious authority.” It is conceptually similar to “cafeteria Christians,” a phrase used… Read more

  • Cultural Influence on Morals

    [One of 50 articles written and published for Demand Media in 2013. Published version here.] Culture influences morals. But it is not the only influence, nor necessarily the strongest one. Thinking about how culture influences morals raises several questions. What are morals? What is culture? What are their sources and what causes them to change?… Read more

  • Globalization & Religious Violence

    [One of 50 articles written and published for Demand Media in 2013] Even as the world population has grown, globalization has made our planet shrink. Travel options have expanded, more people are living in cities, and the products we use daily are increasingly made and distributed by multinational corporations. Mass production and its economic advantages… Read more

  • Dolch Words for Deaf Children

    [One of 50 articles written and published for Demand Media in 2013. Published version here.] Dolch words, also known as sight words, are common connectors and function words that make up 50 to 75 percent of the text in children’s books. These words have been used in deaf education for more than 30 years to… Read more

  • Basketball Camps for Teens in Washington, DC

    [One of 50 articles written and published for Demand Media in 2013] Basketball has been an American sport for more than a century and has grown to become a global phenomenon. Although simple in concept, mastering the necessary skills, speed and coordinated teamwork required to win consistently demands regular practice and dedication. In an age… Read more

  • The Advantages of Early Intervention for Deaf Children

    [One of 50 articles written and published for Demand Media in 2013] The importance of early intervention for deaf children is universally accepted, but controversy persists over which forms of intervention are best for the child. The deaf community strongly emphasizes a linguistic approach, giving priority to early exposure to language. The medical model emphasizes… Read more

  • Activities That Teach Deaf or Hard of Hearing Children to Write

    [One of 50 articles written and published for Demand Media in 2013. Published version here.] In the early stages, teaching deaf and hard-of-hearing children to write is similar to the techniques for hearing children. The manual alphabet and the written alphabet work together well — there is a manual equivalent for all 26 letters. However,… Read more

  • Learning Language in a Home With Deaf Parents

    [One of 50 articles written and published for Demand Media in 2013. Published version here.] Ninety percent of children born to deaf parents have normal hearing. Not all deaf adults converse in sign language, but in homes where they do, children grow up bilingual. American Sign Language is often their first language. Because spoken language… Read more